The Rabisch cultural association, founded in 2009, is involved for several years in the promotion of the rich historical and artistic heritage in Emilia Romagna, Bologna and its province. The activity focused until now on several levels: events, conferences, debates, workshops, cataloging campaigns, professional training courses in the historical – artistic sector and in conservation, management and protection of cultural heritage. In December 2015, the association founded, in collaboration with the prestigious Casa Lyda Borelli foundation, the new School of Art History "Francesco Arcangeli". The aim is to present this fascinating discipline in a clear and engaging way, proposing seminars and courses of high scientific value. Rabisch also manages the web site Ars Romanica, born within the project "Romanica. Emilia Romagna Medieval Monuments" and winner of the “Young, Atypical & Multimedia-Savvy”, initiative of the Accordo di Programma Quadro on the subject of young politics: “Young, Evolved and Aware” (GECO) of the Region of Emilia-Romagna. The association's purpose is indeed to enhance the artistic and cultural beauties of the territory and to this end, it offers to all its members guided tours led by expert art historians. This high quality service is also available for non-members, which can take advantage of already made tours or customizations. In line with its dissemination and promotion goals, the association also offers guided tours dedicated to schools of all levels.
The term "Rabisch" or “arabesque” comes from the Lombard dialect, but it is also the title of a collection of poems in dialect made by the painter and author of essays Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo. The work, published in Milan in 1589, is closely linked to the Accademia dei Facchini of Val di Blenio, where Lomazzo was Nadab (Abbot) with the name of Compa Zavargna. The logo - a monkey sharpening the knife with a grinding wheel - is inspired by the grotesques painted in the marginalia of the magnificent frieze painted by Carracci brothers in the Camerino of Europa in Palazzo Fava in Bologna.